MEL Invest in Nano Technology

17 August 2011


17 August 2011

MEL Chemicals' three year collaboration with Loughborough University investing in nano zirconia technology, via the NASTRAC programme, will culminate in the development of their zirconia product range.

With only months remaining of the programme MEL are delighted with the progress made and see great value in the relationship with Loughborough University.

The NASTRAC programme has allowed commercial bodies to assist academic organisations in developing new technologies and our nano ziroconia technology programme has benefitted from part funding by the Technology Strategic Board. MEL recognise that such a collaboration is highly beneficial to all parties, allowing it to remain at the forefront of nano zirconia technology development.

The research and subsequent product development will enable MEL to unveil a new nano enhanced product that will join the MELOX 3Y range. Such nano technology is now widespread in many industries and offers a wide range of advantages. The zirconia industry is no different and this research will allow both the development of new products and the improvement of existing ones. Many column inches are being dedicated to the benefits and future of nano technology which has recently been referred to as a gold rush. MEL are committed to investing time and resource in this area to remain market leaders and deliver the best product to the market place.

MEL will be demonstrating the benefits of their new products at the Ceramitec exhibition in May 2012.