12 May 2010


12 May 2010

CORAL GABLES, Florida - Luxfer Gas Cylinders was the recipient of two important Compressed Gas Association (CGA) awards at an awards banquet on 27 April, held in conjunction with the 97th Annual CGA Meeting.  

Lee Birch wins Chart Industries Award 
W. Lee Birch, Luxfer Product Compliance and Safety Manager, received the prestigious Chart Industries Award for �significant and dedicated service to the Compressed Gas Association.�
This award is presented annually to �an individual who best exemplifies the character, commitment, and excellence prevalent in the volunteers from CGA's member companies.� It was created in 1996 and is awarded to �an individual who has consistently and tirelessly taken on the responsibility to uphold and further the mission of the CGA - to develop and promote safety standards and safe practices for the industrial gas industry.�  

The photograph shows Lee Birch (centre), receiving the Chart Industries Award. The award was presented by Thomas Carey (left), President D&S Group, Chart Industries, and Mark Meteyer, President of CGA. 

Luxfer Gas Cylinders USA wins Leonard Parker Pool Safety Award 
Luxfer Gas Cylinders USA received the Leonard Parker Pool Safety Award for companies with more than 750,000 to 5 million employee exposure hours. Sponsored by Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., this award and similar awards for various-size companies honour the memory of Leonard Parker Pool, the founder and former chief executive of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. The awards were created in 1978 and are presented annually to participating CGA member companies that have recorded the greatest improvement in safety performance during the previous two years, based upon the total recordable case incidence rates defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Accepting the award for Luxfer were Andy Butcher, President of Luxfer Gas Cylinders USA, and Michael Mensel, General Manager of Luxfer's aluminum cylinder manufacturing facility in Graham, NC. 
John Rhodes, President of Luxfer Gas Cylinders operations worldwide, said: �We at Luxfer Gas Cylinders are honoured to receive both these awards, for which I thank the CGA, the sponsoring companies and all the Luxfer employees whose personal efforts made them possible.�  

About the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) 
Since 1913, the CGA has been dedicated to the safe manufacture, transportation, storage, transfilling and disposal of industrial and medical gases and their containers. CGA represents more than 120 member companies that provide engineering and scientific expertise necessary to develop consensus safety standards; provide safety information and warnings about the chemical or physical properties of gases and their containers; and provide technical training and education. CGA is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited standards developing organisation and works directly with federal, state and provincial agencies and fire code officials to promote safe and responsible practices and regulations. For more information, visit  

 Luxfer Gas Cylinders was founded in 1897 and is the world's largest manufacturer of high-pressure aluminum and composite cylinders used for a wide variety of gas-containment applications. Part of the Luxfer Group, Luxfer Gas Cylinders operates two manufacturing facilities in the USA, as well as plants in England, France, China and India.